August 2012
The application is fully playable at this point and is mainly lacking assets. Currently I am looking to expand the talent that is working on the project. With a specific art style in mind I have recruited a number of artists to work on various elements. Production is currently ongoing. I am seeking a couple of writers to work on world building and a sound designer to work on effects under my budget. While waiting on art I will be working to add more luxury features. The blog site should get a good infusion of info soon as I work to add pages such as this one.
Currently Playing: SWTOR
September 2012
The world art is finished and looks styling on the device. Major immediate goals are to get all the artwork finished and back, upload more info pages to the devlog like this one, and add new functionality to the game. I interviewed three writers, but was unable to entice anyone to join the project. I am planning a 'meet the team' page to introduce everyone to the amazing artists that helped me on the project.
Currently Playing: Angry Birds
October 2012
Life is returning to normal after the addition to our family. I have virtually all the artwork finished now and will spend my time focusing on updating for iOS6 and polishing the gameplay. I hope to move forward on the website content at the same, and will just have to see how much I am able to do while keeping up with everything else.
Currently Playing: Skyrim
November 2012
Finding time to be productive has been a challenge with our new infant. I am about ready to submit the app to apple for approval and have retooled the intro and exit sequences. The goal now is to target something simple that anyone can pickup and have fun with, just have to find time to work.
Currently Playing: Farmville 2
Currently Playing: SWTOR
September 2012
The world art is finished and looks styling on the device. Major immediate goals are to get all the artwork finished and back, upload more info pages to the devlog like this one, and add new functionality to the game. I interviewed three writers, but was unable to entice anyone to join the project. I am planning a 'meet the team' page to introduce everyone to the amazing artists that helped me on the project.
Currently Playing: Angry Birds
October 2012
Life is returning to normal after the addition to our family. I have virtually all the artwork finished now and will spend my time focusing on updating for iOS6 and polishing the gameplay. I hope to move forward on the website content at the same, and will just have to see how much I am able to do while keeping up with everything else.
Currently Playing: Skyrim
Finding time to be productive has been a challenge with our new infant. I am about ready to submit the app to apple for approval and have retooled the intro and exit sequences. The goal now is to target something simple that anyone can pickup and have fun with, just have to find time to work.
Currently Playing: Farmville 2